

artist: Protman

release format: DOWNLOAD

catalogue number: BR031

release date: 24 JAN 2011

release type: LP

tracks: 12 TRACKS

Label: BedroomResearch




Here is an incredibly refreshing yet immersive Lp by Chicago based producer Joe Hahn aka Protman. You probably know him if you already got hooked by labels like Kracfive, K-rad or Ironchef of Music. Joe has been around since the apparition of nerds on earth and has never failed in posting a constant flow of amazing sketches, tunes and mixes on his own space since then. And the BR team has been a fan from day 1.

Your turn !

With this super rich blend of Early Electronic, Sequencer Music, Techno, Dub, 8bit, IDM, etc. Protman slaloms between microsounds, blips, crackles and cuts reminding AtomTM, Secret Mommy, Raymond Scott or The RipOff Artist, and both catchy and emotive melodies a la Mouse on Mars, Lithops keeping all the trippy way a strong and distinctive personality he has been crafting from more than a decade now. This release contains indeed works from 1999 to 2005 and proves once more that true quality music doesn't lose anything with maturation.

Artwork by Vivi @ www.Victorbaba.com  


released January 24, 2011